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från en av Själsögas vackra originaltexter "Iskristyr"

Ice-frosting (Själsöga)


ethereal veils
veils in between

the movement of the fringes that frays
paints many a pretty picture
of, they drink throughout it all

begotten beauty
the earth uprises out of the sea
everything is one body

slowly as when you deeply inhale
the surface of the body's expanding

the water become lakes, rivers, and seas which embraces all parts of the body
Melted ice there purls

around the dreamy life of stones
out of the sea uprises the bodies
walks into
to life

light and warmth
air and fire

a paradisiacal place
shimmering lightshapes
human, animal, flowers all life

shapes are soaring lightveils
floating in eternal harmonious waves in and out of eachother

all lives streams breathes in unspeakable beauty
the movement's ultrarapidly
love eternal


eternity's flowing harmonious love


white, bright blue, violet light, clear purple

All is surrounded by silver and gold in ethereal movements
the water rises, walks into the hands of the clouds,
then falls down in raindrops lustrelight
the north wind embrace,
wraps up, and cradles
the west wind humming stillness

snow falls, falls in layer on top of layer, higher and higher grows the walls, and around it entwirls

ice, frosting, frosting curls in wreaths,
ice beauty begets
'tis light, 'tis lifebearers
light returns and resurrects

snow is longing to transform into the melting ice's dances

under the ice,
the ice movements
reach the edge of the border
down over the edge
down towards the valley's arms

during the fall, within the fall the stones transform into white rose petals

the ground turns white

the sun caresses the ice, thin streams of water runs in silent tranquility under
capillaries, veins, of blood, of light, purls singing,

carries the fulfillment of the snow's longing within it's songs, the ice melts from beneath
from her awakened warmth, the skin, the ground drinks,
the juices of the veins of light, drinks it's life,
transcends into the whole

the longing of the snow is to fulfill her skin with shimmering light

the veins of light's brooks, rivers, walks into the sea
love's embracement, awakens the dawn of spring again

(Själsöga 01/03/09)

LPWJ eng version 15/12/09


Stormblow (Själsöga)

Höstdikter V:V At the Eve of the Day (Själsöga)

Övriga genrer av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 697 gånger
Publicerad 2009-12-15 19:43

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