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  Monet, Claude, The Regatta at Argenteuil, c. 1872

I Love You, Human



I love you human

For that, when you see

animals suffering, being abused, being pushed to extinction

You immediately run to their protection


I love you human

For that when you see

the ice melting far too

fast on the Arctic

You struggle everyday to stop that

You start petitions, you protest, you inform

You do it with love and faith and with hope

And always with a smile on your face


I love you human

For that when you see people suffering from illnesses

You’re trying hard to invent medicines and treatments for to them cure


I love you human

for always giving a warming hand to them in need

And for that you try to feed those who are hungry


I love you human

For that when you hear

about  the fact that meat production

 is one of the main causes for the climate changes

you strive to lower your meat consumtion

and even work towards your goal to be meat free


I love you human

For that you invented

such fantastic things..

The railway,

The bicycle

The ships and sails

Sun energy cells

And the wind power turbins too


I love you human

For that, when you notice

that the air and waters are getting polluted

You work hard to stop that, and spreading the information


I love you human

For that, when you see the hell about wars

And weapons made to kill

You give your time in life to the work for

Disarmament and peace



I love you human

For that, you always try to do to others

What you would have wished them to do to you

And for your solidarity with other humans,

your tolerance, and your care for our Mother Earth


I love you human

for letting the wolves

running free

for letting the nature bloom in harmony

and for that you carefully take part

on the planet in coexistence with other

living creatures


I love you human

For your sense for arts

For your music, your songs, your poetry

Your paintings, your beautiful, and practical, buildings,

the stories that you tell


I love you human

For your enchanting sense of humour

And for your thinking with your heart too


I love you human

For that when you are blessed to be a parent

you do everything you can to make the children feel worthy

And teach them solidarity, and compassion too


I love you human

For that you

Have so great ability for loving

I love you human

I love you

I love

I do


You have such beautiful Eyes



Eva mca April 2013


Fri vers av Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Läst 1181 gånger
Publicerad 2013-05-16 15:05

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Lena Själsöga Keijser

dessa ord

är hjärtvingar
skulle vilja se dem
röra vid många ögonrosor

  ej medlem längre
Tilltalande läsning. Och med ett tänkvärt innehåll.

Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Hjärtligt tack för så fina kommentarer...! :-)

Ja det är bra att du tar upp det goda som faktiskt finns hos oss människor, inte enbart det onda och dåliga som vi alltid blir matade med.

Texten ger hopp om framtid och jag kommer otvivelaktigt att tänka på John Lennon och ”Imagine”…sången och din text går hand i hand och skulle kunna tonsättas absolut


Annie b'larsson VIP
Ett verkligt fint inlägg om människan och mänskligheten, i form av en lång, vacker diktsvit. Hur hon trots allt, försöker bringa reda i kaoset som vi ställt till på jorden. Det är viktigt att lyfta fram även det positiva hos människan, det goda - som ju också alltid finns där. Tack!

ps. fantastisk målning av den gudomligt begåvade Claude Monet.

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