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Bara för att man är trött på allt bråk och krig!!

Peace-It's the only true thing worth fighting for...

Whereever I turn my face I only see blood, sweat and tears...
A day of peace is all I'm asking for,
a day when no guns would exist,
when everyone would have their rights,
when noone have to be afraid,
a day when you can trust you friends,
when someone would notice if something is wrong,
when the world would be in peace...
I don't ask for much just one day without a gun,
one day without blood, one day without tears...
People fight and die for things they no nothing about,
men fight wars because they are told to,
I say this because during my entire lifetime
I have not seen a day without peace and I wish that more
people would think about it beacause it's not only
affecting the ones that fight the wars.
Everywhere around are there broken hearts,
wounds that not even time can heal.

Peace-It's the only true thing worth fighting for.....

Fri vers av Ekaaan
Läst 262 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-11-19 21:26

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