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Are you a boy or a girl?

”Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to the opressed, there remains for civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking people only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, fight lookism, liberate all animals and destroy the gender binary system.”*

Are you a boy or girl?
The question whirls and twirls around in my head
As he makes a gesture to hurl
Are you a boy or girl?
He doesn’t mean it is a compliment
But I’ve learned to take it as a compliment
Are you a boy or girl?
Answer me or I'll kick your ass you fucking faggot!
I say I am something in between
I am both and I am nothing
I am everything and anything you want I say
He shakes his head in totalt dismay
We’re supposed to all sing, I have a penis and you have a vagina we were meant to be for eternity*
Society has deemed me wrong, a real uncomfortable shoe digging into your heel
Are you a boy or girl?
Should I laugh should I scream should I cry
Should I run and hide or should I just die
Laughter and joking is the easiest way to victory
But my response never comes from rationality
It depends on the emotion of the day
Today are you a boy or girl gets a get the hell out of my way
And this as my natural state of handness!

22nd of august 2003 – fear of strong straight men
Strength, arrogance, violence, homophobia, patriarchy
A lethel combination
A poison which can kill
I can yell them all the way to hell
But first they can just snap me like a little twig
We run risks when we call out male chauvinist pig
Cuz the city is not ours
And the streets are dangerous
And we are all couragous
When we refuse to fear
Fight back look out for eachother to the very end
The cops are not our friends
The police won’t protect you from male chauvinist pigs
Because the police ARE male chauvinist pigs
Power dynamics and power dynamics
We must never forget to see them
But never forget to dream of a vision beyond them
Don’t worry
We can bite off the dick of patriarchy and the head of capitalism with our fury
The thought of a queer anarchist world makes me feel all… yummy
The police may not be my friends
But the revolution is my boyfriend
And it’s music is my hot hot sex
Now excuse me so much I just have to touch my imaginary cunt

21rst of october 2007 – I was raped
It reshaped
But it did not defeat or destruct me
It’s not about denial
I still have som issues with trust and lust
I can fuck you in public, but may have trouble being intimate in private
Imagine that I’m like a little cat with a fuckload of integrity
Do you wanna try to pry my heart right back open?
In many ways though I’m stronger than ever before
Societies view of rape victims makes me wanna kick down a door
And hey, by the way we are not victims we are survivors
To be raped is not to die, and I am not dead
To be raped is not to loose everything and never be able to get it back
I am not only back on track I’ve run a few extra laps
Setbacks can make you stronger
Those who have suffered understand suffering and thereby extend there hand, the storm that brings harm also makes the grass grow fertile*
Setbacks can make you stronger
Rape is horrible, but it is the worst lie that it will make you die for the rest of your life. I ain’t buying it and for the record it was just a penis, Why should I let it ruin my life?

29th of january 2010 – The first time i’VE ever bashed back
Now I ain’t a strong believer in violence
But I’m tired of being silenced in the face of the threat of violence
I’s already angry as a bumble bee
Fucking faggot says he
Are you a boy or girl?
I’m on guard and freeze in my pose
Cuz he’s very close
Should I laugh should I scream or should I cry
Should I run and hide or should I just die
I’m being taken over by the fear AKA the worst enemy of my life
But this faggot is not for turning
I will not, i WILL not, I will not, No, I will not, I will not
My little limp wrist turns into a fucking fist
For the first time in my life I replace a punch line with an actual punch
Make that two, no three
It was a hit and run
I ran for my life
Cuz staying meant dieing
And running meant setting my own new record in being the most alive
And I may not be a strong believer in violence
No, I fight my war with words, cuz words are hotter than flame and wetter than water
But I was just so fucking sick and tired of being silenced in the face of the threat of violence

* Öppningen av SCUM, fast tillqueerat ;)
• Tagen från Nanna Johanssons serie ”fem saker som saknas”
• Patti Smith Rock’n’roll nigger

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Alexander Chamberland
Läst 674 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-02-07 12:28

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society for cutting up men, eller hur var det? väldigt förtjust

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Så, så, SÅ underbart att läsa! Jag är helt snurrig och lycklig. Äntligen en queer dikt, tack!
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Alexander Chamberland
Alexander Chamberland