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Denna texten skrev jag till tjejen jag vill leva resten av mitt liv med.


A poem o love, you already got,
This is about OUR future, witch I think of a lot.
A few month has past, with you by my side,
This has been wonderful, an amazing ride.

I want this ride to continue, I’ll hope you agree?
Because I love you, and this is meant to be.
Just you and me.

I love you to death, nothing will bring us apart.
I know this is ONLY the beginning, I can feel it in my heart.

Next to you, I’m no longer afraid.
It’s like we 2 are 1, and we share the same shade.
I would give you my everything, for the princess you are.
I’ll give you a castle, and I’ll give you a star.

I’ll hope you forever will stay by my side,
And so one day I promise ill make you my bride.

Fri vers av Skurt
Läst 151 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-02-11 20:38

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