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konstig, depp text. men aja, ejoy.

i'll keep painting my wrists red for you

i'm begging for love
that isn't mine to ask for

i'm standing on the edge
resting my head against you door

a life where
you dont exsist for me

is a life
i just can't see

now i drown myself
in a bottomless vodka bottle

speeding down the highway
punching down the throttle

hoping for a crash
just to end this miserable life

i want to feel nothing else
then the sweetness of the knife

if you were never mine
if your love was never true

what is there left
what more can i do?

i'll keep painting my wrists red for you

Fri vers av Andreas Jyrkinen
Läst 145 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-06-14 23:40

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Andreas Jyrkinen