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Lyssnade på en låt som kallas sadness and sorrow. Kom på denna lilla text :D

Sadness and sorrow of the heart

My heart becomes a knot
My Stomach is throbbing in pain
My eyes is making water pump out from small sacks
It won’t stop
It continues
My heart becomes a tighter knot
My stomach is a big razor for my body
My eyes won’t stop pumping
When will my sadness end?
When will the sorrow leave?
When will my heart become whole?
It never will
Never again

You are no longer here
Except in my heart
Everyone else has forgotten
But not I

I know
That someday My heart will become normal again
The pain in my stomach will leave
My eyes will smile
When my body is dry
Not able to do anything more
I will start over.

I will forget you for the moment
I will leave our past behind
I will live
But My heart will never become whole again
And that is all your fault

Fri vers av IdeSan
Läst 161 gånger
Publicerad 2010-08-07 23:09

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