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Men, eh, denna dikt är lite deppig. Och jag kom på idén till den när jag var fjorton, och deprimerad. Så, ja. Enjoy. Ps, den är på engelska.

The Well.

The Well.

I look down the edge of stone, and there it is. The ink. That black ink that suffocates almost all people at one time of their lives.

I look down again, and laugh at the people in there.
How can they be so pathetic, I ask myself out loud, that they keep falling down in the well?

But you've been in the well as well, a girl says to me.

That was when I was little an fragile, now I'm strong, I'm not little and fragile anymore, only fragile people fall in the well, I say arrogantly before walking away.

But suddenly, it's like the air grabs me, I fly. I fly towards the well. I start to kick and scream. I try to fight against the wind that holds me, that makes me fly towards the well.

But it's no use.

Because I'm still that fragile little girl that fell into the well.

Darkness envelops me, and I fall in.

Into the black liquid that goes in your body, and consumes you from the inside out.

I'm in the well, again.

And I don't know how to come out.

I need help.


Fri vers av MiiButterfly
Läst 267 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-10 00:01

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