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Happily Ever After.

Blossomed beauty, exquisite flower.
Embracing love and all its power.
Most precious sight my eyes will see,
Not just for today, but all eternity.
We'll sleep in Sundays past eleven,
I'll breathe you in, scent of heaven.
Walks through the park holding hands,
Sunsets, picnics and wedding plans.
In absolute awe of everything you do,
Truly the worlds most breathtaking view.
Our love will heal your hearts scars,
Your beauty is endless like the stars.

We'll share this world and all its time,
Harness true love thats pure and prime.
Walk among roses in forevers garden,
Pluck their thorns before they harden.
In friged winds of chilling winters eve,
Believe your side I'd never think to leave.
Intimate chestnut eyes lure me to stay,
Lust can't persuade my heart to sway
Laugh at our thoughts of love before,
While I adore your elegance to its core.
In the midst of your angelic laughter,
With a kiss, I promise happily ever after.

~ JoeJoe ~

Fri vers av RullaBulla
Läst 179 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-16 15:46

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