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personal growth, being lost, finding ones way, trusting the larger picture, spiritual, bravery, healing and being able to let go of memories and projections

creating the world anew

I lift my head and moving winds are shifting
lifting waters, splashing hard against the shores
let me feel the best of where I am, I'm drifting
peeling layer to layer seeking the doors

Recollect the open dreams of far away
stranded, rootless with blindfolded eyes
trusting your hand not to let me stray
trusting your voice always safe and wise

The daring shall live, live through echoes of sand
seemingly lost is always right there, in time
in time where memories fade and you understand
letting go, always leaving whats left behind

Again we move and things get so much closer
little things are big and there to see in awe
time is endless moments of pure composure
regardless if things seem to mesh or withdraw

Creating now anew, the world and the way
grounded, catharised, blindfolded eyes
trusting your hand not to let me stray
trusting your voice always safe and wise

Bunden vers (Rim) av Jessica Enneby Eldenstjärna
Läst 351 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-26 10:27

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Jessica Enneby Eldenstjärna
Jessica Enneby Eldenstjärna