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satte mig på balkongen, tände pipan och skrev några rader. Kan vara vissa felstavningar... men, lev med det!

A letter

I am what you need, your bag of weed.
I am what you want, the deer you hunt.
I am your desire, your heartbeat -your fire.
You say we need eachother, you're wrong I've got my mother.

They took me in for murder,
'cause your heart could go no further.
Now my ass is for sale,
'cause they've put me in jail.

Though I am a man of honor,
I'm no fucking O'connor,
How can I get out of this situation,
without you -I only feel desperation.

I need you close - oh I need you near,
I am writing this for you my dear.
I sure hope Heaven's great,
and that you havent lost all your faith.

Please write me a letter, I'm yours forever.


A few years later, she left a letter on my tombstone... it was written: "whatever"

Fri vers av Jupiter
Läst 321 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-06 00:09

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