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någorlunda lång text ,, och ja som ni kanske märker så var jag ganska deppig då jag skrev den.


As the waves which is life keeps on pushing me further down the abyss of time,
I try to swim to the surface,
But for every yard i gain the currents and waves strength 10 folds,
A tremendus force keeps on sucking me down into the darkness which is my inner thougths,
These toughts which i locked up and forgot long ago is now beginning to show themselves,

The thoughts of happiness just being an mirrage,
That living is equal to pain and death is the only thing which can save you from the misery,
Free you from the terror which is reality,
It is the salvation of the ones who are in far to much pain to be living,

If death is truly the only way to save oneself then what am i doing still alive?
I'm alive because i'm crazy,
I keep on looking for happiness and i even believe in my heart that i can find it,
But as always i come to the brink of success just to be pushed down into this abyss of mine once againe,
Life is truly the most cruel of all manmade devices

Fri vers av Hawtn3ssm0nster
Läst 179 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-11 00:56

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