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Broken dreams

I looked at the moon
I called out why, why did you do this!
I felt a cold hand on my shoulder
I knew I couldn't return, I knew it was to late
When a cold hand became two I could feel the hope I always knew where there
I tried to fight when the cold hands took a steady grip of my neck
I could feel when the fingernails cut through my skin
I could hear the laughter, I could feel the cold
I could sense your breath on my neck
I could feel the grip getting tighter and tighter
But just when I thought that my last moments had passed
You whispered in my ear "now you know how I feel"
The hands slowly got removed and my half dead body fell to the ground
All I could see was a skyline with a red shimmering light at the top of the head
Then I fell into complete darkness...

Fri vers av AMF
Läst 171 gånger
Publicerad 2010-10-14 21:03

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