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August, 2010. Creative Writing: Exercise 1, Descriptive Writing.

From My Window the World is All Green

It's not yet 8 o'clock in the morning, and the world outside the window is all green. Today is the first day of autumn, and the slowly withering leaves of an aspen trembles in the violent September wind, while the wind makes the old, tired branches creak and moan. A Rowan stands steady right outside the window, with its leaves turning redder and redder with every passing day. Despite the wind, it’s all so serene, peaceful. The house feels safe, well protected, and a little hidden by the many trees and branches of various colours and sizes surrounding the garden. A lone rhubarb plant is struggling for survival in an overlooked corner of the garden - alive but in need of friends, and love.
The bright rays of the morning sun slowly fill the garden, and the house, with a warm glow; it makes the world seem golden and close to perfect.
Behind the trees, open fields are stretching wide. There is a stable near the house, with ten beautiful horses inside. During the days you can see their lean, muscular bodies, as they are all grazing the fields, vigorously flicking their tails to keep the flies from swarming. Flies are so persistent, with endless patience it seems. They seem especially keen in the autumn: it is as if they become more and more desperate; as if they know that it's getting on their time to die. Perhaps they only want some enjoyment before the end?
The garden is full of life. The last of the butterflies brighten up the air with their colourful, fluttering wings of red, orange and blue; magpies, nuthatches, finches, and a few swallows stop by every now and then to see if there is some food to be found; a grey cat with white paws, and another cat completely black, prowl the lush grass, still damp from last night's heavy rain. They make a swift stop and prick up their ears as a passing bird suddenly squawks loudly. They resume their hunt as the bird disappears past the trees and the fields.
The air is crisp and chilly, and it is still dense with the distinguished, intense smell of autumn rain. It is a reminder that it’s nearing the time for some life to sleep, and for some to die, and await rebirth in the spring.

Prosa av Elnath
Läst 166 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-18 20:02

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  the apache kid VIP
lots of beautiful vivid descriptions. I was moved by much

'A lone rhubarb plant is struggling for survival in an overlooked corner of the garden - alive but in need of friends, and love.'

I'm so glad you found it.
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