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You don't think that I see
what I see
I see your pain, your sadness
Your brown eyes tell me everything,
their depth keeps so many secrets
and you don't think I know them
but I do.

I see your fight against the silence
You want to get back what you had before
but you can't get it.

The silence breaks you down
and I can't help you
It's so hard to give you what you need
when you won't take it.

I love you
and I would love to give you
what you want
but if you don't want my help,
it's up to you.

I just tried to show you that I care.
But you don't want to see it.
And that hurts me so bad.

Fri vers av ForeverNow
Läst 157 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-04 23:16

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