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Dogs are man's best friend, but I am a cat.

Dogs are a man's best friend, but I am a cat that you still expect to snuggle up to just about anyone and everyone though I will never be the one that you can just pick up and throw into your lap. I don’t need anyone to fill up my gap, no must-haves of cuddle up closeness. I choose to be close to those I feel close with and the rest of you aren’t getting any closer. You will get to see my big-big personality, my flipping the fuck out at random occasions, my crazy outbursts, my loudly displaying all the words you can curse, my getting into all kinds of political brawls, my laughing histerically when I fall, my dancing on tables, bardisks, rooftops, climbing up on the ceiling, running freely with my feelings, but you aren’t getting any closer to my innermost feelings, sentiments, unless I find that strong connection between four eyes, two hearts, two brains, drinking tea inside or dancing in the rain. I’m loads of fun, but I am 32 flavors and then some, behind that strong and crazy cat, that prancing panther, that lightning lioness and if you can’t percieve that there is more to all of us than that meets the eye, well than you’re just an immature little twat.

Dog's are a man's best friend, but I am catwoman, hear me roar. Soar. Be a self-sufficient whore. Respect my boundaries. My dancing on tables, my taking my clothes off is not an invitation for you to touch me or take me home or fuck me. It’s not a no, but please look me in the eyes and ask and don’t be afraid of the answer. But remember one thing doesn’t necessarily equal the next and don’t fuck with my integrity. I decide what I decide to feel when I’m good and ready to feel it. I have no trouble being alone, believe it or not it’s one of the places I call home. I’m not saying I want to spend the rest of my life living under some rock, but we don’t all wanna be part of a flock or stay at the same dock and I will never dance around a cock.

Dog's are a man's best friend, but I am a cat who fights patriarchy with all my might. I will not come when a man calls for me and I defy the notion that human = man. And I promise to be completely alive while I’m alive, because I will have plenty of time to be dead when I am dead.

Fri vers av Alexander Chamberland
Läst 397 gånger
Publicerad 2011-01-09 23:43

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Alexander Chamberland
Alexander Chamberland