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En dikt som handlar om att bryta sig igenom fasaden och våga att stå upp för den man är....

~Blinded fool~

I  close my eyes and I become one of those
blinded fools.
I see what I want to see.
I feel what I want to feel.
I do whatever I want to do.
I trust my blindness instead of meeting reality
I live my life as it's supposed to be lived.
But I'm feeling more dead than alive
I'm walking around day by day
as a blinded fool.

Reality see through my thin facade.
Reality forces me to keep my eyes wide opened.
I'm feeling useless when
my blindness dissapears.
I undress my soul until I'm standing there
nude and vulnerable.
I see the reality.
A reality that whips my face over and over again
until I wake up.
A reality that makes me feel sick.
A reality that tries to take control over my
uncertain life.
I don't want to live this life anymore.
I want to take off the mask I wear.
I want to allow myself to be me.
I want to break out from my own prison.
I want to feel alive once again.

Copyright © Anneli Sörqvist

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av FallenGoth
Läst 256 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-01-26 21:19

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