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I would do anything to escape this feeling

This is all my feelings and thoughts about you that I have to tell you before I explode.

I’m sitting here, between my yesterdays. The palm of my hand touches the ground, as I drift away in the circles of my mind. I’m not seeing straight, because the sunshine escapes my mind. I will share my thoughts with you, my dear. I’m ready, and I know, I do understand that finally, somebody somewhere will lie to me, kiss my lips. Just listen to what I have to say and my words will flow like music in the wind of your hearing.
My eyes cries and I think, that all around, in the middle of everything, someone will love you, without any refuse.
All around me, I feel childhood memories passing by. Is it impossible to know what will come? Is it absolutely impossible that we’re fishes in the sea? You don’t know what I mean, I know. I know that you don’t feel the pain I feel, you feel nothing.
I imagine that gestures were made, as we walked away with heels held high, every time I saw you it was heaven. I think that the only magic we ever take for granted is love, we never believe in love.
Why do you look so confused? In this moment you should know that my dreams, my “glory of the day” is a million miles away when you are distant. This feeling that I feel might change us, but I know that you will never come near me. I will never be your soldier who will save you when you’re frightened of that scary knife called “life.”
I wish that someday, one day, I can have your waist around my hand, your chest pressed against mine. I wish that I, that one day, can whisper the words: relationship, together, forever and always into your ear. In that moment I would be breathing in a dream. I mean, your face and all the things you do, are the one for me. You’re my eternity.
I remember that one time, we were studying about the government and you stood next to me, the shed of light were lying on your jewellery, and you called me “mate.” It hurts.
I’m reaching out for you as I’m falling, but you don’t see me, as you’re walking away. I guess that it’s alright, I don’t feel great, but, I can promise you that as you’re looking around, seeing things, not seeing me, I will never stop loving you, even when you look twice at some other guy.
I’m at the bottom, wondering why I am wrong. I’m trying to climb up, but I keep on falling down. Please, just please… take my hand. Let’s start something new, I’m ready whenever you are.
It’s getting colder and there’s plenty of snow everywhere. I’m not moving forward, I’m standing still in this moment, for once I feel peace.
You’re standing towards me, I can’t find any light. You’re not leaving, not moving out of this town, as I’ve heard around the school that someone took your license.
While it seems, for once, that I’m right as well, you’re right too… We’re not meant to be. Your big burning eyes were staring at me for that first time, I still remember it even thought it’s been years.
Would you smile at me, just a little, if I asked you to touch me? Or would you hit me and it would be my fault?
There is not enough time. I feel so much but you don’t even see me. There is no time for us.
I could buy you roses, walk to your home and we would touch each other for the first time.
But no… No! I said no. This thoughts has killed everything I am for a long time, for too long if you ask me. No way in this world that you would love me. Heading forward, I’m starting to see the light. The light comes from a life without you.

Your tight skirt isn’t so beautiful as you believe, when I think about it… You’re almost ugly.
This love has turned into hate, hate from all the days you’ve taken. From all the times you haven’t looked at me, you’ve never seen me.

Dear lord, please don’t stop the bus when she’s walking down the streets today.


Fri vers av Hannah Söderberg
Läst 200 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-02-17 20:21

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Hannah Söderberg
Hannah Söderberg