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haha en morgon jag hade för inte så länge sen

The Itch

The morning came
The sun prevailed
The dreams I dreamed
had soon been washed away

With a smile
I rose myself up
from my grave, from my rest
to find that it was true
I was Simply the best

My laptop was waiting
and as I looked thrilled and in joy
I saw it was finished
the download was done
The Tudors s02
My love to U

As I was hungry
and coffee demanded
to the kitchen I turned
And I did the countings I've learned
as I poured up the water
and the crumbles of coffee

Suddenly I felt an itch
on my left big toe
I looked down and asked
"How are you doing?"
"It sucks, may need a hand." said Joe.

And the itch was worse than no other thing
I couldn't take it anymore
I burst, tears rolled, I jumped
and I swung it forward, as a fist it came
stopped by a wall, myself to blame

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av Spontanpadde
Läst 206 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-04-09 00:39

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