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dictionary animal



1. any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well-defined shape and usually limited growth, can move voluntarily, actively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensory and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli: some classification schemes also include protozoa and certain other single-celled eukaryotes that have motility and animallike nutritional modes.

2. any such living thing other than a human being.

3. any member of the genus Homo, comprising multicellular organisms that have an ominous shape and usually limited foresight, move whether voluntarily or not, compulsively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensory and nervous systems that allow them to respond too late to stimuli: some classification schemes also include viruses and other similarly behaving organisms.

4. a mammal, as opposed to a fish, bird, etc.

5. the physical, sensual, or carnal nature of human beings; animality: "the animal in every person."

6. the physical, sensual, or carnal nature of any living thing other than a human being; animality: "the animal in every animal."

7. an inhuman person; brutish or beastlike person: "She married an animal."

8. a human person; brutish or beastlike person: "He too married an animal."


9. of, pertaining to, or derived from animals: "animal instincts; animal fats."

10. pertaining to the physical, sensual, or carnal nature of humans, rather than their spiritual or intellectual nature: "animal needs. "

11. inevitable: "the future is animal."

Fri vers av Andreas Chen
Läst 471 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-04-23 14:02

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Andreas Chen
Andreas Chen