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Is it just because you yourself can't feel

Is it just because you don't have the power to express yourself

Is it only because you want to, but you are so afraid

That someone might abuse your sacrifice

Are you afraid that their might be more to lose

Than there is to win.

Instead of searching for the path of flowers

You rather prefer walking along the path that's bumpy and down-trodden

Not what's wished for

But what's safe.

Instead of holding it all back

Just open your heart

And let your feelings and emotions stream through your veins.

You will see new colors,

Discover a new form of beauty

And let the tears flow

And let it show

That you know

That love, is more than just a fore letter word.

Fri vers av Oskar Johansson
Läst 247 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-03 22:41

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Oskar Johansson
Oskar Johansson