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Move On (With Me)

Let's not think of what used to be
Let's move on and look ahead
For what's infront of us
I can forget everything you did
If you just move on with me
And no one else
i can forget everything you said
If you just move on
Move on with me
What is holding you back

Cant you see
It is now or never
eon't you stay wth me
i am giving you a second chance
I can't wait forever
Even if I wish I could
No, I won't

I can forget everything you did
If you just move on with me
And no one else
i can forget everything you said
If you just move on
Move on with me
What is holding you back

I'll move on with you
Here and now
Don't wait
Follow me..

Fri vers av Lonely Heart
Läst 122 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-07-09 03:54

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Lonely Heart