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for my lovE


Like the feeling when bones are breaking
Crackling, burning, fighting
that's the feeling when you're away

I'm lost in this room full of
darkening dust
Stumbling, falling, dancing on fire
When you're away

You're the missing part of me
The endless longing which I've felt
since I was teeny tiny young
Running around with my newborn legs
You are the painting I looked for
but never found
The person who would look me in the eye
Were you as hypnotized as me?

I believe you're the killer
and I'm the swan
Or the ugly duck, searching
for the prince to come
And all the money that I spent on you
Were the best I ever spent
I didn't just meet You
I bought a key to my heart as well

We're completely different
Yes, I know.
And there are probably girls out there
Whom you'd love more
But when I look into your eyes
I feel stronger than ever before
You're the longing from my childhood
From the days I thought I'd always
be alone
Thank you for bringing me power
I'll always owe you more.

Fri vers av Sara Aldebe
Läst 408 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-07-20 17:29

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Sara Aldebe
Sara Aldebe