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Thank you

As the darkness falls
alongside with the rain
as it pours from heaven down
on us, I feel no pain

I await the call from heaven
and keep holding out in my belief
and keep away those empty thougths
in which there are no wisdom to achieve

Thank you
for opening my eyes
for giving me strength
when I fall down
Thank you
for entering my heart
I give it with joy
I give it with faith

I am but one little man
and I have no power within me
So, Lord, as I struggle forward
I keep my trust in you
to keep encourage me

I am but one child
longing for christmas
when santa will come
and cleanse my whole soul

Thank you
for opening my eyes
for giving me strength
when I fall down
Thank you
for entering my heart
I give it with joy
I give it with faith

It is a race, a competition
and I'm a runner in the track
I run to be victorious
to stand with the prize in my hand

Though living is hard
and as I try to move forward
I often fall down on my knees
and I pray to you Jesus
to raise me up

Thank you
for opening my eyes
for giving me strength
when I fall down
Thank you
for entering my heart
I give it with joy
I give it with faith

Fri vers av Spontanpadde
Läst 266 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-11-16 14:09

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