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Tattoo Angel

Tattoo Angel.

As you feel the needle penetrate youre skin
She adds color to our grey lifes
With a mortals pain and agony
We enjoy with pleasure
Turning our bodys into a morbid painting

She´ll make us bleed
She´ll make us feel pain
She´ll make us scream in agony
You love youre tattoo angel

The ink poisons our blood
And makes us long for more
Create youre works on us
Fullfil our dreams with colors

She´ll make us bleed
She´ll make us feel pain
She´ll make us scream in agony
You love youre tatto angel

The burning sensation in our skin
Is what makes her go on
You hear her snicker when you scream
She laughs at our weakness to the machine

She´ll make us bleed
She´ll make us feel pain
She´ll make us scream in agony
You love youre tattoo angel

You hate the pain
You love the angel
Carefully marking our soul
With prestion scaring our skin

She´ll make us bleed
She´ll make us feel pain
She´ll make us scream in agony
You love youre tatto angel

Once again you sit at her mercy
More pain for our body
More ink in our blood
Colored scars on youre skin

She´ll make us bleed
She´ll make us feel pain
She´ll make us scream in agony
You love youre tattoo angel

Fri vers av Alucard
Läst 237 gånger
Publicerad 2011-10-01 00:54

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