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Nobody's song

Oh, lovely Leigh-Anne, don´t cry
don´t cry over times that fly
don´t weep over things in the past
because only what´s meant to lasts

Oh, lovely Leigh-Anne, your heart
so easily falls apart
you´ll need the strongest glue
to heal your heart for you

Oh, lovely Leigh-Anne, don´t stray
don`t turn and walk away
let me be your glue
and heal your heart for you

Oh, lovely Leigh-Anne, when you pray
the sky turns from black to grey
and then from grey to blue
for the sake of love that is true

Bunden vers (Rim) av ImJustFine
Läst 185 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-04 10:23

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