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The Man Who Saw The Sun

There was once was a cave, and an outside world consumed by a storm in a land of sand.
Through the cave entrance, the shadows of the world etched the cavern walls, and in wonder its dwellers gathered and stared.
One however turned his head and beheld the way out.
There he found air, wind, sand, all with their innocent causes, and the man stood for a while listening to the wind...
Slowly the howling became a whisper, then the whisper became a voice:
‘’Come to me, for I will teach you to see’’
‘’Come to me, but your death I will be’’
And so the man dissapeared, gone in the wind, sewn in the sand,
Yet in the cave his echo rung, his name sung for years to come, and all knew of that man so young, who went and dared to see the sun...

Per Gouras

Fri vers (Fri form) av Per Gouras
Läst 393 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-12-10 03:36

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    Den Älskvärde
nicely done, actually enjoyed reading it. the way you combine words, thumbs up!

  Göran Gustafsson VIP
The neverending myth of the Hero who heats the call and dares to cross the border.
Well written.
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Per Gouras
Per Gouras