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The beast

Slily she cuts her sharpened claws
Again into my lover’s tormented heart
Which did not have a chance to rest
From former anguishes and tests
Which she, that devilish other woman
Has ripped apart and left in pieces
Shattered, for me to to put back into place
A challenge I hardly dared to face
She takes the moments of happiness
and turns them into something less
She lingers behind every next corner
To jump at her and take her over
To rip her heart again into pieces
I’m sure of that, why can’t she seize it
The demons that rob her of her sleep
Are alive, embodied in that beast
The creature that rips hearts into pieces
And leaves her victims hollow and peaceless

Fri vers av rastlös
Läst 195 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-03 18:10

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