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What I feel. blink-182 - Asthenia


The night, all of the sudden
Thinking, should I do this - it sure feels right
Just a moment ago, I felt empty
Imagine it, but now - filled to the brim with
I thought I had tried before
Reflection - though no mirror.
But wait, reality struck me
Hear me - I'm right here, but real.

I might just do this
I'll fall, let's see where I crash.
I just need to find you first.
I've decided
Follow my thought - I'm trying.

All of this - All the memories
Were they even real?
I can't stay here
I got to go beyond
Holy fuck, I think I'm thinking..

Thinking about --



Fri vers av Hampus Siroky
Läst 196 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-04 17:40

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Hampus Siroky
Hampus Siroky