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Pelting rain is pounding
against my windowsill
one more time.
Through its drops, the green chestnut tree
is laughing merrily.
The love between them is more immense
than these two.
A white Baltic herring-gull glides
across the sky.
Night, I want you to fall down on your knees
before me,
like this lashing powerful rain.
I would like to whisper
those words in the mystery
of the primeval forest,
the words I had never pronounced.
If out of the blue it stops raining
and the wings of a bird cross the rainbow,
a swarm of bees will hum in the night sky
driving away the wind that has robbed the words –
the ones I had never pronounced.

Fri vers av Rada
Läst 255 gånger
Publicerad 2012-01-18 15:23

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