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Time to let go

What I want to write is not easy to get down on paper. The whole thing is way too complicated,
to go through it just makes it more difficult. I have thought enough about it, although I did not come up with any solution. I have simply given up. You will never love me the way I do. I give you every single thought in the evenings. You are the last thing I think of when I go to bed.
Tell me, for you? It is not so, is it? Give me a sign, that would be great. But the funny thing is that you have given me many signs and they all have been positive, but here we are. We have not gotten anywhere, why? I'm just a pawn in your game, or an obstacle, something you can not get past, something you now have on the neck.
You will never love me as I love you. Time to stop striving for something I never reach.
Time to wake up and see the world that is full of other wonderful creatures.
Time to let go.

Fri vers av Saga Wingquist
Läst 163 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-03-05 23:37

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Saga Wingquist