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Jag ser det som en dikt, till personen som jag älskar mest på denna underbara jord, fick det underbara tillfället att träffa henne igår för första gången på 8 månader, tyvärr har jag en liten social feghet och det utmynnar istället i det jag skriver till

To see love living!

To see you again, just the feeling of seeing you walking, smiling, talking makes something within go
back to the beginning, the first yard, the first inning. The feeling you gave me within, stronger
than anything that I could imagine could grow in what I call a feeling. A feeling for you thats never weakened,
just grown stronger within, without you it halted a bit. But the meere sound of your voice on this lovely night, a thousand times more
beautiful than the sweetest sound, these are my words to you, I just feel bad for not saying the three most important ones to you ;
I Love You!

Fri vers av FreddieM
Läst 197 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-04-28 07:50

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