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Seven year curse

I admitted all of my weaknesses
My secrets and my only strength
You could take my heart so easily
And then break it in pieces

You didn’t know, how it’s
Showing who you are too
Like shattering a mirror in a million

My heart is a seven year curse
You’ll always come crawling right back
Cause I see you for what you are
And when everybody else do
They won’t understand you

I’ll always have you crawling right back
Cause if they get to know you
Who else would you turn to?

You never wanted to break me
That I know for certain
Cause you will need me around
Tomorrow and yesterday

And while the time go by
I will be so patient
And smile when you turn back
Cause I am a seven year curse
But you don’t even know

You’re so beyond repair, boy
How can you not recognize
Shatter me, shatter you

You’ll always come crawling right back
Cause I see you for what you are
And when everybody else do
They won’t understand you

I’ll always have you crawling right back
Cause if they get to know you
Who else would you turn to?
I’m your seven year curse,
All you have left
All you’ll ever know
All who’ll ever love

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Jossey
Läst 269 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-05-27 15:49

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