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Crimson Tone (The story of the queen of hearts)

Once a pure and innocent girl
Living in a beatiful world
Met a cat with snaky eyes
Was decieved by all his lies

And now the pretty place turned crooked
Always those two eyes she looked at
But nothing bad comes quite alone
Its just beginning
The crimson tone

Then he came
The crazy hatter
In her proper place
He sat her

And left her there
With scarlet scars
Thus he was put
behind solemn bars

Now left she were
A lonely throne
But its just beginning
The crimson tone

Now what that proud queen did not see, The dream she lost
The Alice that were meant to be
Yet never was

Now for their failure
They must all atone
The sweet cyanide
Of the crimson tone

Fri vers av King Of Thorns
Läst 75 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-24 02:28

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King Of Thorns