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Det var till en kille jag gillade jätte mycke men han lämna mig som alla andra

Det var en text till Ertan men inte längre elr kanske

Can\'t live, I promise i cant live without you. Why should i lie about that ?
You are everything for me, I mean you are more important for me than myself.
Im not so beautiful I like you promise.
You\'re best. I hope, I really hope you love me if you lie my life is not over but for a while maybe.
I say what can I say to make you love me, how long time will it take.
Your name oh wonderful and all your body your face is perfect!
I cant stop wonder do you say the truth or not ?
Please love me, I love you cant stop.
I know that, you know that I love you more than myself.
Everything is so diffrent without you.
If you want live without me so do it,I just say I cant live without you.
All i say is that I love you and I cant live if you leave me

Fri vers av DiktarE
Läst 302 gånger
Publicerad 2006-02-10 16:03

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