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I realize it now Mum.

I realize I have to make a choice now.
I have to think, I have to promise myself that it will never happen again. I have to say goodbye, to these people.
I want to forget. Forget all the nights.
The nights with alcohol, drugs and polices.

I now understand that it was wrong, I understand my mistakes and I feel so bad. I understand now why I’m here. Why my parents couldn’t handle me no longer. I´m sorry. I know that the feeling I have right now is heavier than the pain you have before.

I know I came in wrong community’s, that’s only because I thought that they really understands and accept me for who I am.
I was wrong. I should have stay with those people I hang out with before. They were the real friends.

At the same time, who would I be if I didn’t have been through this?
I have learned something from this to, I’m so much stronger now and I know what’s right and what’s wrong.

I can say no to drugs, I can say no to alcohol, I can say no to do bad things.
I want to make you proud. I want to make myself proud. I want to be a good person.
I want to have a great future without these problems.
I want to be as good as you are. My parents, the best persons I know.

Bunden vers av Star Johanna Christina Ståhl
Läst 64 gånger
Publicerad 2012-09-25 13:42

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Star Johanna Christina Ståhl