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In the mirror you can't see his reflection,
He wants to see you and he won't accept an rejection.
He says that he loves you, that he really do,
But he only wants the blood in you.

He wants to see you tonight,
You dumb bitch, can't you see he only wants a bite?
You dress upp in a beautiful dress,
That's nice, but you will die in a mess.

You think that he will ask you to be his wife,
Positive thoughts, honey, but don't forget a knife.
Maybe not a knife but a pole or even a stick,
But you won't take that because you're just a stupid prick.

Why can't you hear the bells of warning?
That he's not prince Charming?
Your bells have turned to rust,
And they are covered in layers of dust.

How can he love you when he don't have a soul?
Trust me, when he gets a chance, he will eat you whole.

You walk to his place and it looks like a movie set,
Walls and floors covered in blood, get it yet?

He looks at you in a way you think is desire,
But if you really think it's his throat who is on fire.
He wants blood and he need it now,
But you just standing there,
And look at him.. Like a cow.

You soon will realise that this isn't a fairytale,
But you will realise that when your life sucks out and your skin turn pale.
He isn't a sparkling fairy, what can I say?
He is a fucking VAMPIRE and he loves it that way!

Övriga genrer av Sevelin
Läst 108 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-11-01 19:58

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