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Heartless is his first namne and careless his secound.
His fearless smile shows it off, that's how you recon.

In every harmfull word there's a truth underneith.
In every tear I drop there's a lonelyness beneith.

Tasteing my own fears filled with despair.
I should get use too this life, I have to prepare.

I can't look into the future, if I could I would.
See if I'm in the future is still missundertood.

I'm throughing my heart out, it's laid under your shoe.
It's there too se what you can be able to do.

Will you step on it and leave it all dirty in the mud?
Or will you stomp on it and empty it on all of my blood?

I would give you my life, I would take a bullet for you.
But would you do the same for me, would you do it to?

I don't have the strenth too see your tears.
Too see you sad is one of my biggest fears.

But when my tears keeps dancing on my cheeks.
You don't see or hear, I could cry for weeks.

You've never loved me and you'll never will.
But I'll never stop loving you. I love you still.

Just a memory of us two happy and alive - a memory or a dream, i can't really decide...

Fri vers av Zhara Nilsson
Läst 564 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-11-06 01:11

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Zhara Nilsson
Zhara Nilsson