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Do you remember?

Do you remember when you love?
Do you remember what you said to her?
Do you remember when the sun shone through the window?
Do you remember when the moon dissolved the overnight?

You whispered her name
You laughed and smile
You kissed her tenderly
You were enjoying life

Do you remember the song of birds?
Do you remember the sweet words?
Do you remember when you were in her place?
Do you remember the intoxication of heart?

You whisper that you love, and she whispered back
You fell asleep together, were so close to each other
You found each other in the dream
and made love with each other

Do you remember when you love?
Do you remember what you said to her?
Do you remember when love was deep
Do you remember when you loved each other?

You whispered her name
You laughed and smile
You kissed her tenderly
You were enjoying life

You seem to have forgotten that happiness
And what love really is
You aren't laughing anymore
And the heart has stopped it's flow
The joy is no longer there

You whispered her name
You laughed and smile
You kissed her tenderly
You were enjoying life

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Miich
Läst 290 gånger
Publicerad 2012-11-10 12:20

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