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Tiden är knapp. Eller evig. Det spelar väl ingen större roll, egentligen.


As trust is broken and your words betray you 
and the city falls and every person staggers
as the ocean boils and skies abandon blue 
I am still indestructible 

When the trees grew smaller and I felt 
your hand was cold, I saw 
The tulips become ash but you could never tell 
that I was still indestructible 

The mountains weep the winter's death 
and the air is filled with mourning cheers 
Behind the march a lone man left 
He is still indestructible 

The hooves of time seem to have halted 
And all the stars are starting to look dim 
Nothing else remains – but me exalted 
I am still indestructible

Fri vers av L. C. Nielsen
Läst 187 gånger
Publicerad 2013-03-17 22:50

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L. C. Nielsen
L. C. Nielsen