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When you are alone.
When you are by yourself.

You do not care.
You do not know.
You cannot feel.

All you do is think.
Thinking about yourself.
For you have non other to think about.

Only yourself to care for.
Only yourself.

You do not know how another can bring you joy.
For you never felt joy.

That is the my truth.
Those are my thoughts.

Thougths from a lonely place.
A place which you\'ll never enter.

So do not think you know me.
For only my shadow can feel my pain.

Fri vers av Veli Iso
Läst 339 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2006-02-27 16:22

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typ. ensamhet.
så sorgligt.
men fint.
den liksom.
får mig att stanna upp och tänka efter.
och framför allt
känna igen mig alldeles för mycket.
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Veli Iso