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I'm thankful I have you.

I don't really speak up much,
but although I'm quiet
I know you understand.

I see that it hurts you,
that my words speak the opposite
of what my eyes are crying out.

I see the pain I'm causing you,
and I'm sorry for the hell I've put you through.
But I'll tell you this, I'll be fine, I promise.

I'm thankful that you're here,
and that you show that you still care.
I just wish I could make your pain go away.

Another thing you need to know,
if you don't really think I let it show,
is that I love you, and I always will.
Down the deepest valley
and up the highest hill,
for as long as I live.

Someday it will all be brighter,
And until it is, I will stay right here.
I'll never give up, I'll never let go.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Sanna Johansson
Läst 254 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-05 20:32

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Sanna Johansson
Sanna Johansson