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Goons town

A misfit of greyish smoke from my lungs to my toes
Blindfolded with a rag of conciousness and the smell of truth for my nose
My amigos, me and my egos never rest
In this part of the world called the (wild wild) west

Things consuming people while people consuming things
It's a lie what they tell you - Redbull ain't give you wings
Try to fly, you will die smacking the concrete
That you were so eager to place beneath

Now all forests heading for same existence
Concrete flats and parking lots - be the resistance
Stand firm and strong, we're all individualistic
Don't build your house on clouds, try to be more realistic

There's no God for the sins but a guard for the win
Economical benefits for the people within
Bank man and God man, no good men
Like a foot loose in your abdomen

Fri vers av Honest Ape
Läst 227 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-27 14:35

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Honest Ape
Honest Ape