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left to rest

I hold the rotorblade in my hand and cut the most
And at most I cleave my voice in half
Rhyme murder you and laugh
Take your soul to my prison, walking past snakes that is hissing
On the surface people start to acknowledge you're missing
Left under ice surveillance by the never sleeping eyes
Laid to rest till you finally found out that you died
A crippeling feeling as layed to rest in the grave
I rise to the power of councious since my last breath
As awerness peakened I pound my chest
Possesed by the strength of a thousand Gods
The power of overwhelming the guards and open the doors
To enter the different floors instead of living beneath the force

Fri vers av Honest Ape
Läst 228 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-04-26 13:15

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Du levererar! Jag har aldrig förstått mig på det där med det engelska språket, blir alltid lika imponerad när folk kan hantera det så väl.

  Hans Christian
Oj, så bra ! Har en fruktansvärd huvudvärk och svårt att koncentrera mig, men åkte rakt in i denna text som tog tag i mig.
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Honest Ape
Honest Ape