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The land of No-More (song)

In the land of No-More
In the City of Gloom
There’s a Misery Store
With several rooms
If I walk there inside
I dont want to get out
In the room I can hide
And can’t hear when I shout
Everything I can see
In every aisle, every shelf
It is I and its me
And even myself
Declaration of content it reads
All that I want but I never need
All the cravings I wanted so bad
Everything that I wanted but I never had
But wanted in greed
Na na na nana na nana na ney
La la la lala la lala la ley
Everything that I wanted but I never had
But wanted so bad

In the City of Gloom
There’s a Misery Store
Where myself I can groom
Like never before
but the mirror only shows
but can never fulfill
reality not knows
and never it will
But I continue to stare
and looking for clues
to find something fair
and finding the truth
in my reflection my wishes I read
All that I want but I never need
All the cravings I wanted so bad
Everything that I wanted but I never had
But wanted in greed
Na na na nana na nana na ney
La la la lala la lala la ley
Everything that I wanted but I never had
But wanted so bad

The Misery Store
Is depleted and filled
Everything I adore
Is exposed and is killed
With the goods I must trade
Nothing else there to do
Wish away I could fade
But there is no where to go
And continous pay
At check out and check in
It will not go away
I can lose but not win
in the receipts i recieve I can read
Items I want but I never need
All the cravings I wanted so bad
Everything that I wanted but I never had
But wanted in greed
Na na na nana na nana na ney
La la la lala la lala la ley
Everything that I wanted but I never had
But wanted so bad

Bunden vers av Knickedick VIP
Läst 382 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-09-01 13:11

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Knickedick VIP