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Where have you gone?

Where have you gone, my friend? Where have you gone?
Where ever you might be, please come back to me.
I miss the way you used to talk to me.
I miss the way we used to talk.

Why have you left me here? Why have you left?
I don't see you inside there anymore, you're not there.
Where ever you might be, I miss you here with me.
Please come back to me, please come back.

If you hear me calling you, keep fighting.
I worry that I might loose you all together.
Please try to find your way back to me, find your way back.
I will be here searching, trying to dig you out.

Where have you gone, my friend? Where have you gone?
Where ever you might be, you have to come back to me.
I can't keep fighting without you by my side.
Without you, I'm lost too.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Sanna Johansson
Läst 216 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2013-09-09 22:10

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Sanna Johansson
Sanna Johansson