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En kort liten engelsk samling

It seems like I try to much,
Thou, others say its never enough.
I reveal my heart all to much,
and it seems like its never enough.
I would love to make love to you,
But who would you ever be?
Love is near and always there,
yet no one wants to make love to me.
Desserted fields makes me hollow,
dead trees is all i ever passes.
Even if I walk by a autumn flower,
the vision of death is all i can swallow.
You are my creator.
I am your sheep you're my shepherd.
I'll do what ever you tell me to do,
still am i only a number to you.
If I strangle a bird I've taken its life.
If I cage a bird I've taken its freedom.
If I shave a bird I've taken its beauty.
But if I let the bird fly it may return to me.

Fri vers av ken kebaben
Läst 187 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-10-01 21:45

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ken kebaben