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Den första drömmen: ett, ett, ett.

The living dream... ONE


In the beginning was very cold
animals did not freeze
because they had fur
humans had not had any fur
they felt frozen all the time

Humans stole the animal’s fur
because people tend to take what they need
from other and each other.


The winter Sun rose through a clear Sky
He walked through the abandoned city
and felt her presence all the time.
He was very philosophical end nostalgic.

Strange, he did not feel lonely.

“Julia, I still remember you…”


He thought:
“people should always have a goal in life”
to be devoted to something.
maybe to save life on our Earth?
O, it’s not much ha ha
Is it possible?


this issue is too big
for me
right now :)

What is not too big, then?

- Trauma of life?
- Consciousness and our soul?
- Ethics and soul?
- Transcendence and sublimation?

O! it is too much….

Too much?

Maybe you must find a real fulfillment?

In what?

To build a society, again,
which cares for individuals?

Interesting for everybody? :() :)



The sky slowly lightened above him

Empty houses and empty streets

transparent again

The Stars faded away in the Sun

O! Colors like dew, everywhere!

He couldn’t help
the smile on his face.

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 438 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-10-07 04:56

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