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Avatars of Rose

Robin Hood and Zorro
are coming here tonight
they are going to give
me a sword and teach
me how to fight

Can they fight tears
can they battle despair
do they have a cure for depression
or will this strictly be a
martial arts lesson?

Robin Hood and Zorro
are coming here tonight
they are going to give me
a sword and
teach me how to fight

One wears a mask and a
cape of black
the other
Lincoln green and
a grey goose feather
in his cap

Avatars of Rose and scamps in Lincoln hose

Robin Hood and Zorro
are coming to my flat tonight
they are going to give me
a sword and bow to teach me
how to fight
they'll be riding in on
fast and furious horses
one from old Pueblo de Los Angeles
and the other from Sherwood Forest

Can they help me fight
the tears of remorse
and regret
can they battle despair
do they have a cure for depression
or will this strictly be a martial arts

Maybe they'll give me a new name
a white steed and a road
to comic book and summer
popcorn movie fame,
my own Lady Marian
I know she will be
a woman of fire and passion

Avatars of Rose and scamps in Lincoln hose

Robin Hood and Zorro
are coming here tonight
they are going to give
me a sword and teach
me how to fight

Sweet Senorita,
Madonna de Los Angeles
Our days will
be blessed and pictures of our
children will be framed
in our hacienda nest
there is going to be
flamenco dancing in our yard
and if that's not enough,
there will be a
surprise ending
to this game
en garde...

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 260 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2013-10-23 06:24

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Denna text tyckte jag väldigt mycket om. En vacker mix utav saga och verklighet, den ger mig fina bilder i huvudet.
Och istället för att slåss med det där svärdet, skulle det vara mycket coolare med Robin Hoods pilbåge! ;)
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP