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FRIEND, antioxidants and human body.




My dear friend

who I don’t know

yet :)


I feel you are

and you care

you are aware

(you know, he knows, she knows, I know

nobody maybe knows or ble ble ble ha ha ha)



Yes I know

you are beyond the frame of time,

now in the great Universe.

Cosmos, our home

such incredible beauty

we can look at it

my friend

the great majesty of the Sky

planets, suns, stars

and comets sailing through the Sky.


I wonder sometimes

I’m sad too my friend

because I can’t conceive

of a compassionate creator

who gave us a Darwinian system

with it requisite food chain.


At the same time

our Universe is soooo incredible!

How can we understand ALL THIS? Shall we?

When we are ready for it?


Ps. Eat a lot of antioxidants! It is good for you. :)

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 449 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-12-06 05:49

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